BS1 Accounting is a free accounting and inventory program. It includes the following modules: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory and Sales Analysis. The multi-currency features facilitate purchasing and billing internationally (import and export). Accounting, invoicing and receipt tracking software so you can better understand your business finances, for free. Their software is 100% free, no trials, no limitations, and no hidden fees. Use it as much as you want, for as long as you want, and we won’t charge a cent.
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BS/1 Accounting is a small business accounting software providing an integrated accounting system that includes accounts payable, accounts receivable, a general ledger, inventory control, and sales analysis. The software is typically used by small to medium-sized businesses.
Video Overview
BS1 Accounting Features
- Multi-currency features facilitate selling and purchasing internationally. Payables and receivables are tracked separately for each currency. Also the GL system shows revenue and expenses converted from foreign currency to domestic currency, so you can trade in multiple currencies while your books remain in domestic currency.
- Taxes are very flexible to facilitate VAT, GST, PST, HST, etc. in various countries.
- Invoices and checks may be handwritten or computer printed.
- User-defined financial statements can be created through a simple set-up process. GL account balances can be viewed on screen with drill-down to original source transactions.
- An integrated dialer is linked to customers, invoices, etc. plus email and browser links.
- Sample data is provided for a quick overview and an optional Getting Started wizard facilitates entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to.
- BS/1 Small Business has a very simple and intuitive interface, suitable for use by non-accountants while powerful enough to satisfy experienced accountants.
- Multi-company. Multi-user. Delphi source code is available royalty-free for Paradox, DBISAM and Advantage databases.
Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable system tracks vendor invoices and payments.
- Multi-currency and multi-bank
- No monthly closing required
- Calculates due and discount dates
- Intelligent Payment Management maximizes cash flow
- Handwritten or computer printed cheques
- Tracks reconciled and void cheques
- Open Payables Report
- Delphi source code available royalty-free
When setting up vendors you specify the currency, thereby setting the currency for their invoices. The Open Payables Report and Accounts Payable Invoices Screen allow currency selection, so you can see how much you owe in each currency. You set up at least one bank account for each currency. The Bank Book shows transactions and balances for each bank account.
The accounts payable software assigns the (default) due date for each invoice based on the vendor’s terms. Intelligent Payment Management is facilitated by an option to ýAutoCreateý cheques for all invoices due for a selected currency. These may later be modified or deleted. Cheques can be computer printed or hand-written. The system allows reconciliation of cheques returned from the bank and tracking of void cheques.
An integrated phone dialer is available by right-clicking on vendors, invoices, or cheques.
Accounts Payable data is passed to the General Ledger software automatically via Journal Vouchers with expenses converted from foreign currency to domestic currency. You can trade globally in multiple currencies while your books remain in domestic currency.
Accounts Receivable
The Accounts Receivable system tracks customer invoices and payments.
- Multi-currency and multi-tax
- No monthly closing required
- Handles Cdn, US, UK and other taxes
- Handwritten or computer printed invoices
- Open item cash receipts
- Aged Trial Balance and AR Statements
- Delphi source code available royalty-free
When setting up customers you specify the currency, thereby setting the currency for their invoices. The Aged Trial Balance Report and Accounts Receivable Invoices Screen allow currency selection, so you can see how much is owed to you in each currency. You set up at least one bank account for each currency. The Bank Book shows transactions and balances for each bank account.
Accounts receivable invoices are not purged when fully paid, but are instead retained for sales analysis reporting. Sales taxes are calculated automatically and are very flexible to facilitate VAT, GST, PST, HST, etc. in various countries. Accounts receivable invoices can be computer printed or hand-written. Invoices print on plain paper to facilitate faxing and to avoid the expense of pre-printed forms.
The ýopen itemý method is used to apply payments against specific invoices. Adjustments, discounts, and write-offs can be entered when entering the payment info.
An integrated phone dialer is available by right-clicking on customers, invoices, or payments.
Accounts receivable data is passed to the General Ledger software automatically via Journal Vouchers with revenues converted from foreign currency to domestic currency. You can trade globally in multiple currencies while your books remain in domestic currency.
General Ledger
The General Ledger system tracks budget and actual financial data to produce financial statements such as an Income Statement and Balance Sheet, the Trial Balance Report, General Ledger Report, GL Totals Screen, GL History Screen, and the Bank Book.
- No monthly closing required
- Sample chart of accounts and journal voucher examples
- Automatic reversing journal entries
- On-line drill-down to source document
- Budget with optional graphical entry
- Complete year-end processing
- User-defined Financial Statements, Trial Balance, and General Ledger Report
- Delphi source code available royalty-free
Data is passed to the general ledger from the AP and AR automatically via Journal Vouchers with expenses and revenues converted from foreign currency to domestic currency. You can trade globally in multiple currencies while your books remain in domestic currency.
Data is keyed directly to the general ledger via Journal Vouchers to record
- Initial entry of general ledger opening balances
- Bank charges and interest
- Depreciation
- Corrections and adjustments to previous general ledger transactions
- Purchase of foreign currency
- Foreign currency AP, AR, and bank balances conversion to domestic currency
Year-end closing entries for the general ledger are generated by the software.
The Inventory system tracks inventory stock levels and costing.
- Multi-warehouse and multi-currency
- No monthly closing required
- Weighted average cost or standard cost
- On-line drill-down to source document
- Inventory Value Report and Perpetual Inventory Report
- Delphi source code available royalty-free
Inventory is received via receipts and depleted via sales. Warehouse transfers, physical count corrections, and reduction of inventory due to spoilage/breakage, theft and samples, etc. are entered via adjustments.
Pricing of BS1 Accounting
BS1 Accounting is a free to download small business accounting software with basic features. The full version includes free support and free updates for a one-time cost of $139.
BS1 Enterprise Accounting On MSSQL Full Source
BS1 Enterprise Accounting On MSSQL Full Source | 1 Mb
BS1 accounting ERP source code for Delphi 5 to 2010, XE to XE8, to 10.1 Berlin (aka RAD Studio). Programmers may license the AP, AR, GL, Inventory, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Manufacturing, and Time Billing source code for use in their Delphi ERP projects. An integrated multi-currency distribution and accounting system: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders and Quotes, Sales Analysis, and Manufacturing (optional).
The BS1 Enterprise launch pad fits compactly on your screen. Selecting an application from the drop-down list sets the toolbar to the four most frequently used options. Example: AR toolbar has buttons for Customers, Invoices, Payments, and Reports.
Sales orders may be optionally entered as quotes and printed for customer approval. When approved, the status is changed to On Order. Picking slips may be printed for the shipping department. Bills of lading may be printed to go with the shipments. Multiple shipments are allowed per order. Invoices are automatically created from the shipment data.
Scheduling of shipments, purchasing and manufacturing is facilitated by a report showing current inventory levels, sales orders, purchase orders and manufacturing orders.
Multi-currency features facilitate purchasing and selling internationally (import and export). The default selling price is automatically converted to the customer's currency. Payables and receivables are tracked separately for each currency and the GL automatically converts revenues and expenses to domestic currency. Gain or loss due to exchange rate fluctuations is tracked.
User-defined financial statements can be created through a simple set-up process. GL account totals and inventory totals can be viewed on screen with drill-down to original source transactions.
Sample data is provided and there is an optional Getting Started wizard to assist with entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to.
You can choose to look at a sample company first, which is a quick way to explore BS1 Enterprise. This screen displays every time you start BS1 Enterprise until you choose to set up your own company. Note: You can still select the sample data company or set up more companies from menu File | Companies.
When you choose to set up your own company, a New Company Wizard will assist you to enter the basic information required to use BS1 Enterprise.
The Accounts Payable system tracks vendor invoices and payments.
When setting up vendors you specify the currency, thereby setting the currency for their invoices. The Open Payables report, Aged Payables reports, and AP Invoices screen allow currency selection, so you can see how much you owe in each currency. You set up at least one bank account for each currency. The Bank Book shows transactions and balances for each bank account. For more info on multi-currency operation see Multi-currency Overview.
The program assigns the (default) due date for each invoice based on the vendor’s terms. Intelligent payment management is facilitated by an option to 'AutoCreate' cheques for all invoices due for a selected currency. These may later be modified or deleted. Cheques can be computer printed or hand-written. The system allows reconciliation of cheques returned from the bank and tracking of void cheques.
An integrated phone dialer is available by right-clicking on vendors, invoices, or cheques.
Data is passed to the GL system automatically via Journal Vouchers with expenses converted from foreign currency to domestic currency. 'You can trade globally in multiple currencies while your books remain in domestic currency'. GL accounts for AP, discounts, and gain/loss on foreign exchange are retrieved from the currencies table.
For info on how purchasing and receipts of inventory relate to inventory and general ledger please see Inventory Overview.
Menu File | AP | Vendors
The Vendors screen displays vendors in a list showing basic contact info and amount owed.
To add a new vendor: click the New button. Or menu Records | New.
To edit a vendor: double-click the vendor. Or select the vendor and press Enter or click the Edit button. Or menu Records | Edit.
To delete a vendor: select the vendor and click the Delete button. Or menu Records | Delete.
You can select a vendor with the mouse or by the keyboard via the Page Up/Down and arrow keys. Or click the Find button (or begin typing the vendor name). On the Find Vendor pop-up screen: you can select the vendor by typing the vendor number in the 1st entry box or by typing the name in the 2nd box, or by selecting the vendor with the mouse or up/down arrow keys. You can filter the list to show only vendors of a selected vendor type (press Delete to reset). Click on the selected vendor or press Enter when the selected vendor is highlighted. Or Esc to exit.
The menu has options to
- filter the list by specifying selection criteria such as currency
- sort the list by vendor no. or name
- display vendor items for a selected vendor
- display orders for a selected vendor
- display receipts for a selected vendor
- display invoices for a selected vendor
- display cheques for a selected vendor
- refresh the data displayed to show changes entered by other users, etc.
- print the list
Tip: To display invoices or cheques for a vendor, phone, or send e-mail (via your e-mail program): select the vendor, then right-click to display a pop-up menu.
Vendor no.
Vendors can be accessed by number or name. Vendor no. is useful if you have multiple vendors with the same name, such as branches of the same company, or a large number of vendors. When setting up a new vendor, the program assigns a default vendor number which you can then change if desired. At any time you can change the vendor number and any history (invoices, cheques, etc.) will automatically still be linked to the vendor.
Check here to prevent further invoices from being entered for this vendor.
Vendor's name.
Bs1 Accounting Tutorial Download
AddressVendor's address.
Main phone number. Additional phone numbers can be specified on the Contacts tab. You can phone the vendor by clicking the phone button or by right-clicking on the vendors, invoices, or cheques screens.
Main fax number. Additional fax numbers can be specified on the Contacts tab.
Main contact's name. Additional info and contacts can be specified on the Contacts tab.
Bs1 Enterprise Accounting Free Edition
Main e-mail address. E-mail addresses for other contacts can be specified on the Contacts tab. You can send e-mail (via your e-mail program) to the vendor by clicking the e-mail button or by right-clicking on the vendors, invoices, or cheques screens.
Web Page
URL of vendor's web page. You can connect to this page (via your web browser) by clicking the adjacent browser button.
Discount %
Default discount %. When entering new invoices this displays as the initial discount %. The discount amount on an invoice is calculated using the discount % rather than keyed directly.
Example: 2 2%
Discount days
Default number of days from invoice date to discount date. When entering invoices the system uses this to calculate the default discount date, which you can then change if required. When paying invoices the cheque date is compared to the discount date to determine whether the discount can be taken.
Example: 10 If invoice date is 5th May, then default discount date is 15th May.
Net days
This is the vendor's requested terms and is used for informational purposes only.
Example: 30 Net 30 days.
Default number of days to due date
Default number of days from invoice date to due date. When entering invoices the system uses this to calculate the default due date, which you can then change if required. When paying invoices the optional AutoCreate New Cheques feature uses due date to determine which invoices to pay.
Example: 25 If invoice date is 5th May, then default due date is 30th May.
Select the currency of this vendor's invoices. If you need to add a new currency to the drop down list, click the adjacent button. On new vendors this defaults to the default currency on Your Company.
Vendor Type
Select the Vendor Type for this vendor, if desired, or press Delete to remove a previous selection. If you need to add a new type to the drop down list, click the adjacent button. Vendor Types are used to group vendors. Example: Inventory, Shipping, Admin, etc. This facilitates selecting vendors using the vendor search, and printing reports sorted and/or summarized by vendor type.
Default Description
Default invoice description. When entering new invoices this displays as the initial invoice description. If you do not want to record invoice descriptions you can suppress this field via Your Company preferences.
Tax no./Business no.
Some jurisdictions require that you store the vendor's tax number or business number, such as GST Registration no. in Canada. This is used for informational purposes only.
Use the New, Edit, and Delete buttons to add, modify, and delete contacts for this vendor. Right-click on a contact to make a phone call or send e-mail (via your e-mail program).
Bs1 Accounting Reviews
Enter any notes you wish to record here. Right-click to toggle Word Wrap.
Bs1 Accounting Tutorial Pdf
Bs1 Accounting Tutorial Software
[b] Only for V.I.P