Toad License Key And Site Message

  1. Toad License Key And Site Message
  2. Toad License Key
  3. Toad For Oracle License Key
  4. Toad 11.5 License Key Site Message

The relaunch of Quest software and the large amount of software audits they’re performing ever since raised many questions among customers and created the need to start a series of articles to explain the most common compliance issues seen for Quest software programs.

Toad License Key And Site Message

When you download it an e-mail with a trial key will be sent. You can use the full resources of forums inside of our communities: you can also ask quick questions on our twitter handle for support @QuestExperts. Watch this short video to learn how to manage Toad licenses online. Note: If this is a Citrix install (install type 'D') the LICENSEKEY and LICENSEMSG values will be copied to a file called 'QSAuth11.key' in the subfolder 'ClientFiles' on the server. Upon initial launch, Toad will then copy this file locally. If performing an upgrade (UPGRADE=B) the LICENSEKEY and LICENSEMSG values will be ignored. Accept the License Agreement; Click on “Add License“ in order to insert the license key and site message provided by Quest. As per the instructions provided by Quest, the specific edition (e.g. Toad for Oracle Base Edition, Toad for Oracle Xpert Edition, Toad for Oracle Professional Edition) is installed using the license key provided.

In the previous article we have covered the risk for non-compliance for the freeware licenses provided by Quest for Toad software, their most known product. This article will focus on the installation procedure of Toad and how this could possibly lead to compliance related discussions with your auditors.

As for many software programs, compliance issues may already occur during the software installation procedure. Let’s have a look at the steps you need to follow, in order to make sure you don’t become non-compliant before even using the software.

Toad Installation Procedure

To install Toad, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Download the software from
  • Run the Installer.
  • Accept the License Agreement
  • Click on “Add License“ in order to insert the license key and site message provided by Quest.

As per the instructions provided by Quest, the specific edition (e.g. Toad for Oracle Base Edition, Toad for Oracle Xpert Edition, Toad for Oracle Professional Edition) is installed using the license key provided. However, from the license key itself you, as an end user, cannot determine by yourself if the license key as provided by Dell or Quest indeed refers to the specific Toad edition you would like to install(!) and/or you have obtained a license for.

Toad Uninstallation Procedure

Toad License Key And Site Message

You should be aware that, if you uninstall Toad, it may not be uninstalled completely. When you use Toad, you create new files such as SQL scripts, data output, or temp files, etc. The following types of files are not removed when you uninstall:

Toad License Key

  • Any new files you create
  • Any copies of files you make for backup purposes
  • Settings files

Due to the de-installation procedure of Toad, it is rather common that installed software programs (e.g. new files as created by yourself or copies of files as created for backup purposes) are still found to be installed on a desktop/laptop/server during a software installation scan, as part of a software audit. This, while you may be 100% convinced of the fact that the software is actually de-installed.

We established already that Quest Software is performing many software compliance audits in EMEA and NAMER, so the question is not if you are going to be audited, but when is this going to happen.

If and when you are confronted with a Quest audit, you should – before sharing any data – have a clear view of your software compliance status internally. This means that it is important to have a clear picture of the actual installed Toad software programs on your devices, as well as their deployment and/or use; especially as the de-installation procedures are sometimes tricky.

Toad For Oracle License Key

Our recommendation is to perform an internal Quest audit on a short term, to identify your compliance position first, before Quest comes knocking at your door. If you are in need of in-depth knowledge and experience with regards to the execution of such audit, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Read also:

Richard is one of the managing partners at B-lay. He started to work in the license management industry in 2004 and worked for almost 10 years at Oracle as regional director of compliance. He uses his knowledge of enterprise software vendors (such as Oracle, SAP, IBM and Microsoft) to educate, equip and enable software end users in their challenges regarding proper software license management. Richard holds a master’s degree in IT, from University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

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Toad for oracle 2018 r2.1 license key and site messageToad 11.5 license key site message

Toad 11.5 License Key Site Message
This works like a charm!
Toad for Oracle versions 8.0, 8.5 and 8.6 does not support silent installations. However, Toad versions 7.6 and below, along with Toad 9.0 does have the capability of silent installation.
Toad version 7.6 and below, does have the capability to run the silent install without manual intervetion with the Toad Standard Edition installation which does not have the Knowledge Xpert for PL/SQL installation portion included in the install package.
In order to run this silent install, from a command prompt type following command, this will install TOAD with all the default settings:
C:toadstandard76.exe /s
Toad for Oracle 9.0 also features the ability to configure a silent install. For detailed information about the different installation options, please see the Getting Started Guide.
Silent Install Configuration
To create a configuration file:
Create a file called install_values.ini in the same folder as the installation executable. This is the file where the installer will look to find configuration variables.
Copy the text below into the file.
INSTALL_DIR=C:Program FilesQuest SoftwareToad for Oracle9.0
Enter the values to the right of the '=' and save the file. You can copy as many variations of install_values.ini as you'd like, but at runtime the installer only looks for install_values.ini. Do not rename the variables themselves.
Configuration Variables
A - Full local install
B - Network install, client side (should install server side first)
C - Network install, server side
D - Citrix install
A - New install
B - Upgrade from previous version
Destination folder for install
Destination folder for server side install
When silently installing a client/server setup the server side (install type 'C') should be run first. During the server side install, the INSTALL_DIR variable should be blank with the NETWORK_DIR variable pointing to the install path on the server. During the subsequent client side install, the NETWORK_DIR variable should remain the same, with the INSTALL_DIR variable now defined for the client side.
A - Install Knowledge Xpert for PL/SQL
Blank - Skip installation of Knowledge Xpert
A - Install SQL Optimizer
Blank - Skip installation of SQL Optimizer
YES - Places a shortcut on the desktop
Blank - Do not make a shortcut
Your Quest-issued license key number
Your Quest-issued license key message (site message)
Desain undangan pernikahan. Brgy. ugong valenzuela city zip code. Note: If this is a Citrix install (install type 'D') the LICENSE_KEY and LICENSE_MSG values will be copied to a file called 'QSAuth11.key' in the subfolder 'ClientFiles' on the server. Upon initial launch, Toad will then copy this file locally.
If performing an upgrade (UPGRADE=B) the LICENSE_KEY and LICENSE_MSG values will be ignored.
Running the Silent Install
Once you have created your configuration file and saved it in the same folder as the executable, you can run the silent install.
To run the silent install:
From the command line, run the install using this format:
C:[download folder]ToadforOracle90Setup /S
Note: The trailing “S” must be a capital letter.
Setup Type: unspecified
  • 11/15/2006
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