Comment by Visceroid Just soloed him with my lvl 59 UD mage, Frost Spec ofc. Was not that hard. Just needed to take 2 Major Mana Pots and use Evocation eventhough I used Mage Armor. That guy has alot of hitpoints for a solo mage. A good place to kite him is the road that leads up to Quel'Thalas. Almost no mobs there and quite some area to. Visceral fat is a type of body fat that’s stored within the abdominal cavity. It’s located near several vital organs, including the liver, stomach, and intestines. It can also build up in the. The Visceroid is a byproduct of a chemical reaction released from the specially named 'Tiberium-X' Mixture developed by Yuri's Cabalists. Victims of Tiberium-X are literally melted down into a almost lifeless mutation which is composed mostly of muscular mass and body tissue. The Visceroid is a byproduct of a chemical reaction released from the specially named 'Tiberium-X' Mixture developed by Yuri's Cabalists. Victims of Tiberium-X are literally melted down into a almost lifeless mutation which is composed mostly of muscular mass and body tissue. A Tiberium Spike is an automated Tiberium extraction platform, found in many Blue Zones and Yellow Zones. Tiberium Spikes extract Tiberium from underground deposits and refine it on site, providing a small but continuous stream of resources (10 credits per second). When first captured, it grants a 750 credit bonus to its owner. Each Tiberium Spike is powered by self-sufficient solar panels.
Infantry being damaged when walking on tiberium (not just standing there) is afeature of Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun. Ares bringsthis feature back and extends it to work with all unit types.
Units killed by Tiberium Damage may convert into a Visceroid. SeeVisceroids

Enabling Tiberium Damage¶
Ares requires a new tag to be set to enable the Damage feature, and itdoes no longer damage units that are positioned above[General]►HoverHeight
(boolean)- Whether tiberium damages units that are not tiberium proof. Required for thefollowing tags to work. Defaults to no.
Who gets damaged¶
Visceroidal Nausea Sims 3
All units that are not tiberium proof (neither through the tagTiberiumProof
nor through the TIBERIUM_PROOF veteran ability)will be damaged when entering a cell containing tiberium. It does not matter howlong they stay in a cell.
(boolean)- Whether this unit is immune to tiberium damage. Defaults to no forInfantryTypes, to yes otherwise.
Damage and Warhead¶
Tiberium Poisoning
The damage and the warhead used to deliver it can be customized for each of theTiberiums. This allows to have damaging and non-damaging resources atthe same time, for example Tiberium and ore respectively.

(warhead)The warhead that deals the Tiberium Damage. Defaults to[CombatDamage]►C4Warhead
This is not used for the Tiberium Explosive feature.